Countdown to Baby Time!

Friday, February 22, 2013


Tikki has started to walk around and howl during the day. I think she knows Vader is gone forever. It's kind of sad, kind of annoying when Talon is sleeping but I think she's lonely. We used to think she was in kitty ecstacy not having to worry about Vader chasing her everyday but now, we're thinking she misses the companionship. More often, I could find her and Vader curled up on the bed together. We decided to adopt another cat. The trick is finding one that, as Jason says, is just as skittish and weird as she is so they don't fight. Jason called her Mommy's Little Princess for the longest time. She still is but I know I don't spend nearly the amount of time with her that I used to. I push her off me at night when she insists on sleeping on my pregnant belly which is really uncomfortable! She licks adhesive and photographs (grrr), she howls at 6:30am EVERY morning (even on the weekends) in the bathroom which echoes across the house, she nudges my face with her cold, wet nose after I've laid back down during the night and she licks every faucet she can find despite the fact she gets fresh water everyday in her bowl. She still follows me around and I try to give her kisses as much as possible to remind her she's still loved.

I wake up in the mornings usually by the alarm clock cat or Talon babbling, fascinated in his room. I lie there and I don't "feel" pregnant; my belly doesn't feel tight, my feet don't hurt, my back doesn't ache, I'm not annoyed by just stuff. Then I get a little kick. There you are, Little One. Good Morning! You move pretty much all night which I don't mind at all. I look forward to that first morning kick just as much as my first cup of coffee. I bought you a baby gift a couple days ago. A pair of Roobez 12-18 month slipper shoes for when you're walking. I won't make you wear Talon's hand-me-downs. He wore the hell out of his and now they're holey.

Talon has a cold now. Poor dude is coughing while he naps and I have been wiping green boogies from his nose with a soft blanket. Nap and bedtimes have been going soooo well with him. He gets a bath, brush teeth, give Mommy a kiss, 3 books with Daddy, then lights out. It's a routine that soothes us all. Bedtime is no longer a struggle or enduring even 10 minutes of crying. So restful!

We get to see Bonnie tomorrow. Yay! Give us both a little pop of mental and internal energy. I keep wondering how your birth will go. Will you come early? Will we really do a C-section on May 23rd? Will I teach classes as long as I hope? Will you be okay? (always the most important question...)

I am excited for Bonnie as I am in need of some focusing. I used the powers she taught me to expel some negative energy from my life a few weeks ago. It's really amazing how you can truly change how to feel and think through Reiki. I completely changed the energy around that incident by power of the mind. I couldn't change what happened but I could and did change how I thought about it. I took ahold of my power, a little tighter, and expunged that face. Those words. Eliminated the steroided-out coward from my line of vision, flinging it into a place of chaos that doesn't involve me anymore because that's only the possible place it can be living with the way they behaved. Another place of chaos and I assure you, the universe works there too.

I need to remember what I want to deal with and what I don't. Removing myself from situations and people that don't add positively to the mix will go. I try to rehash every few months to calibrate what's and who is really working. It all makes for a happier, healthier being. You'll meet Bonnie, Little One. You and Talon will hopefully both get to see her and use her as a resource. She changed the course of life for me and your Dad.

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