Countdown to Baby Time!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Words and randoms

Lincoln, on May 1st, Dad saw you sign and say, "All done." Your first words and baby sign. I got to see it a couple days later. 11 months old and already talking. We're proud and know you're smart! You're not walking yet, but soon we think! You crawl on your hands and feet; fast as a little monkey. You also do the same crawl that Talon did with one foot and one knee.

Talon: Words: Kodat- chocolate. Micker- Mixer. "That's on the side of my face!"
You picked out Dora underwear at Target today. I love that you are unjaded by society's norm and what's acceptable. Do your own thing, Kid. Keep doing your own thing. Link, you too! We love you guys SOOO MUCH!

Love hearing and watching the two of you play. You were made for each other and can't wait to watch you grow more!

These are the days. Are they?

There is nothing glamorous about this time. It is, without a hesitation, the absolutely most difficult thus far. It bends every bit of my being; emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Two children, 22 months apart, both in diapers, both in high demand and need. One having age-appropriate toddler tantrums, one a baby. I'm sitting here writing while Lincoln cries in his crib. I need a break. You're sick, little one, go to sleep. You're not hungry, you're not cold, you're not poopy. Go. To. Sleep. Talon just opened his bedroom door. Written in March (?)