Countdown to Baby Time!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I just have to laugh.

What else can I do really? I'm 34 weeks pregnant, I am taking care of a 20 month old, I have a sinus head cold, my back hurts, it's fucking snowing AGAIN, and Talon pooped in the bath tub yesterday. He pulled two giant bath towels in the tub with him after I didn't respond to his immediate calls of an overboard toy and then this morning he stuck toilet paper in the toilet before putting it in his mouth (I screamed!). He's not a baby anymore. He's a toddler with a powerful mind of his own.

L-bag, your brother T-nuts is hilarious. And a hand full. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm sure you will be too! Between the two of you, you rock my world.

During T's nap yesterday, I did get to spend some time alone with you! I was laying on my right side when I felt some tickling under my left side. Then it got higher and more under my ribcage. It must have been your little leg stretching with some wiggling toes on a little foot. Are you running out of room? You are the size of a butternut squash this week! (Better than a durian. Ew.)

We're getting SO close! Closer than we thought!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Please stop crying, Talon!

Every mother's stomach churns when she hears her baby cry. Lately Talon has been crying and whining and there seems to be no cure. Not hungry, not poopy. Tired? Perhaps. Bored? Maybe. I redirect him and he clings to me. I get him down for naps. He goes to bed at a decent hour. Sometimes. I. Just. Want. A. Break. No whining, especially no whining. I can't stand to hear it because I don't want him to be upset but there are moments when it sounds like nails on a chalkboard and I want the sound to go away. Talon was crying in his crib one afternoon, refusing to nap. I had put him down and he seemed ready. Not 8 minutes later, he's up wailing. I debated; do I go in there or do I leave him to work it out? I decided leaving him in there wasn't going to hurt him (especially a 20 month old) and would probably be better for me at the moment. I wasn't mad at him but my emotions were heightened. I knew if he didn't sleep he'd be a wreck later. A parenting moment of I know what's best for you: sleep. Now go the fuck to sleep. The only solution that made me feel better was turning up some music loud enough to drown out his cries, just for 5 minutes, then I went in to get him. The impact it makes on my insides seems to be exacerbated by pregnancy. Would I have this hard of a time if I wasn't full of hormones? Deal the best with it as I can whatever it may be. It's not going to get any easier. I'm not asking for a bailout. Two kiddos doubles the trouble. I'm grateful for both of you but I think I'll like it better when I have my brain and body back. Cheers, Darling. Mommy loves you dearly.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Stopped by Braxton Hicks

Tomorrow is your baby shower, Honeeeey! I am so excited to see our friends! Dena and Mel have organized it. Sounds like it'll be a blast!

Past couple days I have been feeling unusual. I am/was having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions since Thursday night, maybe earlier than that I can't remember. By Friday night, it hadn't gotten any worse but I had visions of having a baby on the couch. (Yikes! I think I lingered in worry for a moment too long.) This morning, we went to breakfast then came home and I did a couple loads of laundry which translates really into I threw some things in the washer.  You're moving around a lot which is great to feel. I'm so glad you're active! I think we'll be fine until your C-section day; I just have to rest when I feel the need. I am grateful to my instructor friends at Life Time Fitness who stepped in to teach some classes I was supposed to teach this morning.

Being pregnant with your brother was different. I got to sleep whenever I wanted/needed, no busy body to run after, pick up, lift, wrangle with into a car seat. I was still training full-time which meant on my feet for longer hours in the day. This time is different. I can't rest as much as I would have before. On the positive side, I've been feeling good enough to keep teaching fitness classes. By 32 weeks with Talon, I was so done teaching. I was retaining so much fluid that my ankles had pitting edema and too much pressure was being put on the bones. It hurt to walk sometimes. They say every pregnancy is different. So true! I don't have the linea nigera this time, no pitting edema, and not as much weight gain. At this point, I've gained 26 pounds. I have 6 weeks to go so it's inevitable you'll be getting pumper which is fantastic! Grow, Baby, grow! I gained pretty much 50lbs with Talon. Soooo puffy! I'm thinking I'll keep it to under 35lbs this time.

Your bed is ready. I've rented the hospital grade pump. Your clothes are unpacked and your swaddling blankets are clean.

We can't wait to meet you Darling!!!