Countdown to Baby Time!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Gemini Baby!

The Gemini child is very curious. All facets of life fascinate him, and he loves to explore nature. Gemini Baby quickly learns how to talk and walk. His parents must watch him carefully because he often strays from view. He needs to wander, to walk, to know, to communicate. He gets bored quite easily, and needs to develop multiple interests. He is the kind of person who can do many things at the same time. Any kind of repression or obstruction of his freedom could provoke an emotional depression which could be very difficult for him to overcome. If he needs to be confined to a small space, he should have many toys, books, a TV and someone to talk to.

Your Gemini Child is a Bundle of Endless Energy
When going out with your Gemini, you need to keep your eyes extra open. She can easily get lost in a crowd if you are not paying attention. Almost anything can arouse her curiosity and she will not stop until she explores that thing in and out. A baby harness will save you from rapid heartbeats when you see your toddler missing from her pram.

In spite of her naughtiness, you cannot cut her freedom, mentally or physically. Try doing that and you will see a sad, helpless face watching you from behind the bars of her enclosure. That will make you not only pick her up and leave her out into the open, but also apologize for your mistake. After all, air cannot be confined.

Even before other children are learning to handle toys, your Gemini will be reading books. And she will learn fast. Before long, you will need to create a shelf exclusively for her books.

Helluu, Baby! Your mommy is a Gemini too! I snipped this excerpt out because I identified with it. Talon is a Leo and Daddy is a Sagittarius. I wouldn't call myself a "true" Gemini only because I'm on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini. My birthday, May 22, starts the length of Gemini. May 21 is still Taurus. Anyway, not to brand you before you are born but I'll do my best to remember these things as you grow. My childhood was wonderful for the most part as every parent hopes to hear. Our family had our ups and downs which you'll hear stories along the way. The part about Geminis being a bundle of endless energy is true. I never stopped as a kid. I loved playing outside, getting dirty, running around all over the neighborhood, being active. As grateful as I am for taking piano lessons and learning music from the age of 5, I think that was more the vision of my mother. I was still encouraged and allowed to play sports but piano was absolute. There was no discussing that I would take piano. End of story. I was finally "allowed" to quit at age 14 or 15. I hated practicing. I hated the guilt of going to lessons because I knew I hadn't practiced. I wanted to play harder songs but I wasn't willing to put in the practice time. It just didn't matter to me. Recitals were nervewracking but prepared me to perform in front of a very large group of people. Elisa was the music superstar and that was fine. I resented the idea that somehow they thought I should do the same thing. Oh, second sibling guilt. I get it, Honey. I'll be there for you if you ever start to feel inadequate. My loving parents did the best they could but their relationship was so foreign to themselves I think they got lost early along the way. If I needed to sum it up in one sentence: I don't think I was allowed to be me at a young age. Bonnie mentioned this. I didn't have a voice. I had no power. I couldn't make any decisions despite the constant, constant, struggle between me and my mother as a young child. We fought and I wore both my parents down. My mom didn't know what to do with me. By eighth grade, she was putting me in personal training because I was overweight. I wanted to be fit. Yes! It was my first shot at feeling powerful and athletic. What if I'd gotten to do what I'd wanted to do in the first place?

But what did I want to do? Take dance. Hip Hop. Contemporary. Karate.  Gymnastics. Something physically expressive. Piano? Expressive, no doubt. There were moments I truly enjoyed it. Mostly, I liked the idea of knowing how to play. I enjoyed the fact that I already knew how to read music in 6th grade band when everyone else was learning what a quarter note was.

Whoever you are, I'll do my best to really see you. See into you, see through you, see deep inside that special soul of yours and remind you how much power resides inside you. I'll give you options and I'll give you a voice. Shine on!

1 comment:

  1. this kid is super lucky. you definitely have a talent for "seeing" what's truly there before someone else does!
