Countdown to Baby Time!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I just have to laugh.

What else can I do really? I'm 34 weeks pregnant, I am taking care of a 20 month old, I have a sinus head cold, my back hurts, it's fucking snowing AGAIN, and Talon pooped in the bath tub yesterday. He pulled two giant bath towels in the tub with him after I didn't respond to his immediate calls of an overboard toy and then this morning he stuck toilet paper in the toilet before putting it in his mouth (I screamed!). He's not a baby anymore. He's a toddler with a powerful mind of his own.

L-bag, your brother T-nuts is hilarious. And a hand full. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm sure you will be too! Between the two of you, you rock my world.

During T's nap yesterday, I did get to spend some time alone with you! I was laying on my right side when I felt some tickling under my left side. Then it got higher and more under my ribcage. It must have been your little leg stretching with some wiggling toes on a little foot. Are you running out of room? You are the size of a butternut squash this week! (Better than a durian. Ew.)

We're getting SO close! Closer than we thought!

1 comment:

  1. You definitely have your hands full Mama! And you handle it all so well! The next 4 and 1/2 weeks are gonna fly by, and then you'll be a family of FOUR!
